Shabba Letters: Writing to an Invisible God
Shanna Armbrust
In Shabba Letters we will explore what growth and relationship with God can look like over the span of a decade. Countless journals have been filled over the past ten years with hand-written letters to an invisible God. Letters that contain the brutally honest truths, perceptions, and deceptions hidden within the human heart - the kind of things that one would best keep to themselves.
Being refined by God can be a long, messy and imperfect process that the body of Christ seldom talks about publicly. That would require us to be transparent about the condition of our hearts, and after all, aren’t Christians supposed to be so put together all the time? What would happen if we let our guards down and actually addressed the things being held hostage in our hearts? In Shabba Letters, vulnerability proves to be the dangerously effective key to growth and fruitfulness in our relationship with God.
This wondrously unusual true story unfolds across multiple mission fields, mountainous meadows, and the most secretive place we sometimes fear to enter - a room alone with our racing thoughts and the God who already knows all of them. That is the very place where these strikingly honest letters were written. They are raw, vulnerable, and perhaps a bit too invasive for our comfort.
Welcome to the prayer closet of a not-so-perfect lovesick Christian.
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